Hokie Club

Hokie Matic - The Easiest Way to Join


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Special thanks to TechSideline.com and the Hokie Club for providing information and ideas for this site.

Hokie-Matic is the easiest way to give money to the VTAF. The Hokie Club drafts money from the donors account every month.  This spreads the total yearly contribution level over 12 months.  Drafts occur automatically on either the 15th or 30th of each month, specified by the donor.  Full Hokie Club privileges start when the VTAF receives the first payment.  The Hokie Club will automatically renew the membership.

New and upgrading members using Hokie-Matic must submit their forms to the Hokie Club Office by November 30th, so the first transfer can occur before December 31st to count towards your Hokie Club Point Priority for the following year.

Six Easy Steps to Joining the Hokie Club

1. Print the Hokie Matic form from this website.  You will probably have to set up the page to 'no margins' so it will print properly.

2. Fill in all depository and personal information.  You can obtain your BANK TRANSIT/ABA NUMBER from the customer service representative at your bank.

3. Determine the 'Amount per month' by dividing your annual level of contribution by 12. Example: for Orange and Maroon Hokie, your monthly contribution would be $250 divided by 12 = $21.

4. Decide when to begin automatic deduction and whether the deduction should occur on the 15th or 30th of each month.

5. Mail the form, along with a VOIDED check, to the address on the bottom of the form or fax the form and VOIDED check to the Hokie Club office at (540)231-3260.

6. Send us an e-mail at twhokie@verizon.net to confirm the receipt of your membership information with the Hokie Club office.

CONGRATULATIONS!  You're a member of the Hokie Club!  Using Hokie Matic, your membership will renew itself annually.  You can upgrade your membership level at any time by repeating this process at a new monthly amount.

If you prefer to make annual payments, get an application and join today with your payment via check or credit card!!


This page last updated on November 06, 2016